2017-18: Summer Assignments

Hello current and prospective members,

If you are interested in becoming a NEW MEMBER of the club for next year, fill out this Google Form here.

EVERYONE, including prospective members, read the rest of the post.

I am pleasantly surprised with the work that you all have been doing individually. I would like to continue this pattern of individual research in the 2017-18 school year.

As you know, the school year is wrapping up. In order for us to be as successful as possible next year, I would like all of you to take some time over summer to do the following:

  • New members ONLY:
    • Go through all the meeting slides from 2014. Google every point in the slide; the slides do not explain the concepts, but they serve as a directory of information.
    • Read ALL the blogs tagged “education” on this site, even the esoteric ones.
    • Come in knowing about stocks, bonds, fundamental, and technical analysis. Don’t worry about options and corporate finance too much.
  • Everyone, including new members:
    • Read the financial news headlines every day — WSJ.com or paper copy if you please (I get it on my doorstep every day, along with Barrons every Saturday). It should take 5 minutes.
    • Pick a single stock to follow over summer, and follow it extensively. Mid- to large-cap companies only (read the slides if you don’t know what that means), try NVDA, AMZN, SNAP, etc. Tech will have more news and larger swings for you to follow.
    • For your understanding of fundamental analysis, watch the HBO documentary on Warren Buffet. A link that may or may not work is https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lu6_XV21pT0, but it should be on YouTube somewhere; find it yourself if that link is down.
    • Now that you’ve watched that, know that fundamental analysis will not work for you in that way. Watch https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cppxO67e6eo for an overview of a ratio that is used in fundamental analysis. You should’ve also seen this in the 2014 meeting slides if you are a new member.
    • For your understanding of technical analysis, watch https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rlZRtQkfK04 over and over until you are familiar with all the terms used.
    • For your understanding of corporate finance, read pages 1-42 of http://www.econ.yale.edu/~nordhaus/homepage/documents/corporate-finance.pdf . Try to understand what they are talking about. Do not give up — this is necessary information as you will find out later.
    • One more thing — have an excellent summer!