Topic 1

The original meeting was held on Wednesday, October 8, 2014.

Officer Attendance

Attendance: Michael, Ken

Make-up: Aabhash

  1. Who is this club for?
  2. Create official roster (initial)
  3. Explain meeting dates and times
  4. Explain Syllabus
  5. Explain Challenges
  6. What is Money?
  7. How can it be used?
  8. Investing as a way to grow money

What we did in class and your homework is in this presentation here.

The introductory Google Form questionnaire is here (Do this ASAP if you haven’t already, this is the same form the flyer linked to with the questions like what’s your favorite movie).

The Google Form for the homework for Meeting 1 is here.

NOTE THAT THE GOOGLE FORM MAY NOT BE YOUR ONLY HOMEWORK. Look in the presentation above to make sure.



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