Presidential Address

President Trump’s speech covered a wide array of topics regarding the political atmosphere currently surrounding our nation. He began with a nod to the end of black history month, and swiftly moved into the glut of his message. After an inauguration address which touted a country in turmoil, President Trump began this speech with a promise that the United States, under his administration, will stand united and ready to lead the world. His initial message built up the vision in our nation of a shrinking middle class and failing inner cities, much of which he looked to address in the latter portion of his speech. He touts the need for improved infrastructure, and reminds his bi-partisan audience that he has the mandate of “tens of millions…all united by one very simple but very crucial demand- that America put its own citizens first.” He begins with a rundown on the actions already taken by his administration and an explanation of planned actions to come:

  • Meetings with heads of American based businesses to keep jobs here in America
  • The reduction of the cost of the F-35 fighter jet which saves tax dollars
  • A hiring freeze on non-military and non-essential federal workers
  • A 5-year ban on lobbying by executive government officials and a lifetime ban on lobbying for foreign nations
  • The establishment of a deregulation task force in every federal agency
  • A new mandate that for every new regulation, two old regulations must be eliminated
  • “Stopping” of regulations that threaten the future and livelihood of coal miners
  • A directive that American pipelines be made of American steel
  • Withdrawal of the United States from TPP (Trans-Pacific Partnership)
  • To protect citizens the Department of Justice has been directed to form a task force on reducing violent crime
  • Executive federal departments such as the DoJ, Homeland Security, and the Director of National Intelligence have been ordered to coordinate an aggressive strategy to dismantle the criminal cartels currently present in the United States
  • Stopping the flow of Heroin from Mexico (plan of action left unaddressed)
  • Construction of the new America-Mexico border wall (Trump’s wall)
  • Sanctions on entities and individuals who support Iran’s nuclear program
  • Appointment of a conservative justice to the Supreme Court bench
  • Tax cuts across the board to level the playing field
  • A revival of American protectionism in trade to “protect American jobs”
  • $1 Trillion infrastructure stimulus plan proposal to Congress
  • Repealing and Replacing ObamaCare
  • School vouchers (“education is the civil rights issue of our time”)
  • Trump ended the speech with an inspiring call to unity in the nation reminding everyone that we salute the same flag and we are all American.

In my opinion, Trump not only addressed and proposed real change that our nation desperately needs, he also delivered his best political speech so far. This speech, unlike some other teleprompted speeches in the past, did not sound like more campaign rhetoric. It truly sounded like our President proposing a path for America to prosper once again. Along with taking smart and what should prove to be effective executive actions, Trump took a huge step in uniting the nation.

Democratic Governor from Kentucky, Steve Beshear gave a response just minutes after the President’s speech

Beshear made an emphasis on his work as a bureaucrat, starting the speech off by mentioning he took over the Kentucky executive office at the beginning of the Great Recession. He balanced the budget and “built partnerships with business leaders and with Republicans in our legislature.” He then plays the American dream card by reminiscing how “the America I love allowed a small-town preacher’s boy to be elected governor.” He then finally gets to his critiques of Trump, however not before reminding the audience how the Democrats are “committed to created opportunity” (a faulty statement nonetheless). He accuses Trump of signing executive orders which favor “Wall Street” (an ambiguous term propagated by the left to describe the entire upper class of America…a way to vilify those who have found success in their careers). Most of the remainder of the response focuses on the Republican ambition to repeal and replace ObamaCare, an ambition which gov. Beshear accuses as an effort for “you and your Republican allies in Congress seem determined to rip affordable health insurance from millions of families.” Beshear sprinkles in more critiques on foreign policy, mainly revolving around the fake news claims propagated on how Putin “hacked” our elections. Thankfully, he does ditch the party politics for the final paragraph by saying we should all work towards making America come together “as one nation, under god, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.” Overall, my opinion on the response is that it was fairly weak. The dems could’ve picked a stronger person to deliver it, someone who is actually still a participant of government instead of some has been. Much of the rhetoric Beshear spoke can be found nightly on the networks of MSNBC and CNN, so overall I give it an A for trying.

The President’s speech bolstered financial markets. Here are some possible reasons:

  1. Realization that the President can act Presidential
  2. Assurance of infrastructure spending
  3. Calls for unity, less volatility

Energy and financial stocks rallied on calls for less regulation. Biotech was not hit as hard as one would expect, because Trump had previously iterated his stance on drug prices being “too high.”

— Aabhash Gautam

Hillary and Biotech

Biotech companies should be kept from setting drug prices too high…. right? After all, shouldn’t consumers be able to afford life-saving drugs? Hillary Clinton sure thinks so. Recently, Daraprim, a drug used to fight AIDS, was bought by Turing Pharmaceuticals. The price “skyrocketed” from $13.50 to $750. Take a look at this tweet by president-wannabe Hillary Clinton:

Price gouging like this in the specialty drug market is outrageous. Tomorrow I’ll lay out a plan to take it on. -H”

This tweet sent shares of biotechnology companies like Biogen Inc. (BIIB) down almost 8.5% in the following week. Shares of the tracking ETF “CURE” for biotech were down nearly 25% in the same period.

Hillary Clinton sure has a point. However, she is misunderstanding fundamental tenets of the free market, or at least pretending to misunderstand these basic truths in order to appeal to her uninformed voting base. Consider the motives behind even producing a lifesaving drug for a minority. In the past few hundred years, only recently have these drugs emerged. Were they created by individuals seeking to help others? Well, that was definitely one possible motivation, but most drugs were produced by companies seeking profits. These companies realized that some individuals with rare diseases were not going to be served by the majority of companies, who in turn thought that since there only were a few consumers, they would not be able to offset the expenses from research and development. The solution? Charging high prices.

High prices are the only way for companies to turn a profit producing a drug for a rare disease. If the government sets a “price ceiling,” which sets a maximum price a drug can be sold at, companies will no longer have an incentive to research these drugs. In effect, the government would be killing the industry and even killing those who would have benefited from the drug.

The common flaw pointed out in this argument is that consumers will not be able to afford these medicines. However, almost all legal citizens of the United States have health-care insurance coverage. Insurance companies are more than willing to charge premiums to consumers who wish to have insurance in the case of catching a rare disease. In effect, all the consumer has to pay for is the insurance premium. With the advent of dubious measures like the Affordable Care Act, even these costs may be offset by other citizens who can afford.

What is the solution? It is simple: Allow the free market to work. Insurance companies are willing to pay high prices, and pharmaceutical companies should be able to charge whatever price they want. If their price is too high, insurance companies will not be willing to support the drug, and there will be no demand, and the price will be automatically lowered to increase revenue for the pharma company.  Supply and demand will work out the price, and government price ceilings can be shelved.

At the Finance Club, we are aware that Hillary Clinton is a very educated individual. However, we also understand that she has to appeal to voters who have not had the opportunity to consider these basic economic facts.


– Finance Club

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